
Compressed Air Systems

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Gas Laws, Air, Compression, Compressor, Leaks


This lecture is intended to provide the fundamentals behind another system that falls under “utilities” and that is often forgotten or neglected. After a brief definition, the Ideal Gas Law and its related pressure-volume diagrams are thoroughly explained. After a review of the principles that govern compression and a description of the operations of several types of compressors, this lecture ends with an overview of a typical compressor plant with emphasis on the importance of drying compressed air and how minute leaks in the air system can become very costly.

Learning Objectives

  • Name the variables involved in the Ideal Gas Law
  • Explain and describe the relationship between those variables when considering a pressure-volume diagram
  • Explain the principles behind gas compression
  • Describe the similarities and differences between a single-stage and double-acting compressors
  • Explain the operation of a multi-stage compressor
  • Describe the operational flow in an air compressor plant
  • Consider the importance of maintaining a leak-free system

Lecture developed by

Michael Eder

Michael Eder earned a Master Brewing Degree at Doemens Academy in 2003, and studied at the Technical University Munich - Weihenstephan from 1992 through 1994. Michael holds the position of Production Manager at Doemens Academy, and he has worked as Brewmaster in Ottakringer Brauerei (Vienna), Union Camerounaise de Brasseries (Cameroon), and Ginga Kogen Beer (Japan). Michael teaches in the World Brewing Academy Diploma program in both the Chicago & Munich campuses, and conducts the European Brewing Study Tours through Central Europe.

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Enroll options

Lecture Duration (Narration)
22 minutes

Online Access to Lecture
10 days from time of purchase

Lecture Level


Lecture Duration
22 minutes

Online Access to Lecture
10 days from time of purchase



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