
February 2nd, 2016

1. Approval

Siebel Institute of Technology is approved by the Division of Private Business and Vocational Schools of the Illinois Board of Higher Education.

2. Accreditation

Siebel Institute of Technology is not accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.

The school does not guarantee the transferability of credits to another school, college or university. Credits or coursework are not likely to transfer; any decision on the comparability, appropriateness and applicability of credit and whether credit should be accepted is the decision of the receiving institution.

3. Admission

It is the policy of Siebel Institute to admit students without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, disability, or any other factor prohibited by law.

All students applying for a program, module or course must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age.

Advanced level programs require students to have a specific knowledge of brewing technologies and/or related sciences in order to be approved to enroll. This can be satisfied by

(a) Successful completion of the WBA Concise Course in Brewing Technology OR
(b) Successful completion of an online assessment

4. Cancellation of Enrollment Prior to Start of Class

The student may cancel their application or enrollment by delivering written notice of such cancellation to the Siebel Institute registrar prior to 5pm on the 5th business day after the student has submitted the application to receive a full refund of all monies paid to Siebel Institute, provided that classes have not yet started during such period. Cancellations received after the 5th business day and prior to the first day of class will lead to a full tuition refund less the Application Processing Fee (APF). If the application is not accepted by Siebel Institute, all monies paid to Siebel Institute relating to the application, including the APF, will be refunded to the student. All class cancellations must be made in writing to the Registrar at Siebel Institute, 322 South Green Street, Suite 100, Chicago, Illinois, 60607.

5. Cancellation After the Start of Class

Campus Courses or Programs:
A student may withdraw from a course, module or program at any time, and partial tuition refunds, if any, will be given based on the number of calendar days that have elapsed since the first day of such course, module or program as set forth on the schedule below.

Number of calendar days* Refund
Certificate Program
1 90%
2-5 50%
6-8 25%
9+ 0%
Module and any 2-week Course
1 90%
2 50%
3 25%
4 0%
Short Course (5-days or less)
1 50%
2+ 0%

*Starting on the first day class is scheduled to meet up until and including the date written cancellation is received by the Siebel Institute Registrar

Online Courses or Programs:
A student may withdraw from an online course, module or program at any time, and partial tuition refunds, if any, will be given based on the percentage of completion as set forth on the schedule below.

Percentage completed* Refund
up to 10% 90%
11-20% 70%
21-30% 50%
31% and more 0%

*Determined on the date written cancellation is received by the Siebel Institute Registrar

6. Active military or reservist students who get called to duty or training

A student who is on active duty or is a military reservist (including members of the National Guard) may withdraw from Siebel Institute and receive a full tuition refund if such student is called for active duty or reassignment during the course/program, provided that the student officially withdraws and submits a copy of his/her Official Orders to the Registrar at Siebel Institute. Following withdrawal, the student will be dropped from all registered courses, modules and programs, and no certificate or diploma may be earned for any programs/courses for which a refund has been given.

7. Cancellation of Class

Siebel Institute reserves the right to cancel any course or program for any reason at any time. All monies paid to Siebel Institute, including the APF, for any cancelled class will be refunded within thirty (30) business days of any such cancellation.

8. Financial Aid

Siebel Institute of Technology is a privately-owned, vocational trade school, and therefore does not qualify for Federal student loans, grants, or GI Bill.

9. Grading Information

Advanced and Intermediate-level programs, modules and courses within the "Certificate Studies" category are graded as follows:

Points Grade Description

Points Grade Description
95+ A+ Superior
90-94 A Excellent
85-89 B+ Very Good
80-84 B Good
75-79 C+ Fair
70-74 C Satisfactory
69 and less D Unsatisfactory

10. Grievance

Siebel Institute endeavors to treat all student complaints fairly and to address student concerns promptly. Students are directed to submit all complaints in a dated, signed writing to the Office Manager of Siebel Institute. Siebel Institute endeavors to address, and where practicable, respond to complaints within five (5) business days. If Siebel Institute deems necessary, a written response may be presented to the student. Records will be maintained in respective student files and treated as confidential.
Complaints against the school may be registered with the Board of Higher Education online at http://complaints.ibhe.org

Illinois Board of Higher Education Division of Private Business and Vocational Schools
1 N. Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 333
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1377
Phone: 217-782-2551
Fax Number: 217-782-8548

11. Payment

Payments are accepted through Visa, MasterCard, Wire Transfer, checks drawn on a US bank and US money orders. Siebel Institute is not responsible for any transaction fees. If submitting payment by Wire Transfer, contact the registrar for banking information. Allocate sufficient time to process the Wire Transfer payments. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their account is in order.

12. Privacy

Siebel Institute respects your privacy and will not provide any personal information to parties. For the benefit of networking, Siebel Institute will share contact information with other participants in the same class. Instructors will also have access to full names and reduced demographic information.

13. Termination

Siebel Institute reserves the right to dismiss a student for any of the following reasons: failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress, failure to pay school fees and/or tuition by applicable deadlines, disruptive behavior, posing a danger to the health or welfare of students or other members of the Siebel Institute community, or failure to comply with the policies and procedures of Siebel Institute.

14. Disclaimer

The information in this policy was the best available at the time of release. Siebel Institute endeavors to present an accurate view of the policies, programs, facilities, fees, and personnel of the school in this document. However, Siebel Institute reserves the right to alter any policies, programs, facilities, and fees described herein without notice or obligation.

Important notice to currently enrolled students:
The policies and procedures set forth in this copy of the Siebel Enrollment Policy become effective as of February 2nd, 2016 and may not necessarily apply to currently enrolled students.
Please refer to your signed enrollment agreement for policies and procedures applicable at the time your application was approved for attendance.

15. Contacting Us

If you have any questions or comments about this policy as outlined above, you can contact us at:

Siebel Institute of Technology
322 South Green Street
Suite 100
Chicago, Illinois, 60607
United States of America